Now Available:
Epiphany (EP)
Solo Piano + Orchestra
Short piano+orchestra pieces about moments of insight.
Eureka at Last
An Elegant Solution
From Enigma to Euphoria
Moment of Inspiration
Beautiful Insight
Now Available:
Surrender (EP)
Solo Piano
Relaxing solo piano songs about letting go and finding peace.
The Leaf’s Descent
Just Breathe
Much to Say
Tiny Arabesques
Hymn to Heroes
Quiet Courage
Time’s Triumph
Solitude (EP)
Solo Piano
Songs for survivors of difficult pasts who bear invisible anxiety quietly and courageously.
A Poem
Innocence Found
Home Again
The Story of Me
Life of Meaning
Beside Still Waters (EP)
Solo Piano
Quiet solo piano hymns about being led by the Good Shepherd.
He Leadeth me
All The Way My Savior Leads me
Where He Leads Me
Be Thou My Vision
Lead Me To Calvary
Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Sunday Afternoon
Solo Piano
Serene, art-inspired piano music
Serene, art-inspired piano music using pointillistic “dots of sound”.
Each piece is inspired by a post-impressionist painting.
The Letter
The Lighthouse
Picking Flowers
The Cradle
The Dancer
Morning Haze
The Houses of Parliament
Rouen Cathedral
Hide and Seek
By The Sea